Doheny’s Di-Chlor/Granular Chlorine, 10 lb
A great choice for quickly sanitizing yourpool, Di–Chlor (Dichloro-S-Triaznetrione) contains cyanuric acid, which acts as a pool stabilizer and is often used for shocking bacteria. Ganular dichlor concentrates the chlorine granules to increase the level of chlorine with speed. Not only is Doheny’s Di-Chlor granular chlorine fast acting, it has little impact on the pH level in your swimming pool and can be stored for long periods of time.
- Ships as (1) 10 lb bucket of granular chlorine
- 56% stabilized chlorine
- SAVE up to 50% on granular chlorine
- Easy open bucket of pool chlorine granules
- 3-in-1 Concentrate: Sanitizer
- Safe for saltwater pools
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